…you already know – these sweet babies are always my favorite

the frog isn’t the favorite but the hilarity that ensued with two other ladies and me trying to get it out of the church is!

VBS is definitely a favorite!

not much has changed, and nothing exciting has entered the picture, yet, because…well, very low carb is where I am right now, but I honestly don’t think I can get tired of this…ever!

this lip gloss, lip balm, whatever you want to call it! All of my life, I have had really dry, chapped lips. I’m not sure why but it has been a lifetime thing. So…when my lips are dry and chapped, I pick them. I don’t like that I do it but, it is a habit that is hard to break, especially when the problem isn’t fixed. Enter this lip balm. It has helped tremendously! I have have tried SO MANY different kinds and this is the best. Now, it isn’t cheap but it is worth it to me to be able to help a lifetime issue.

Link Love Thursday | What’s Up Wednesday :: JULY 2022
this isn’t a new song but it is still a favorite


Linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!