The babies love “work from home” days. LOL. Actually they probably just tolerate it, but I sure love being having them as WFH mascots.

I have two vacations planned. One is booked; the other is still in discussion, but will happen 🙂

I found some really good phone lockscreen backgrounds!

Another favorite is finding new blogs to follow and link-ups to join. Recently added/joined: Confessions of a Mother Runner; The Ultimate Coffee Date; & Thankful Thursday. There are a few more that I’ve found and plan to join but I just haven’t yet.

recent purchase: I am loving these for my planner!

Reading is always a favorite!

in case you missed these posts: Bookish People I’d Like to Meet & Thankful Thursday.

I got this idea from Jennifer but I plan to make a post or two a month about some of these self-care challenges. It never hurts to improve oneself.

I love everything about this picture (not mine), but even more than that, it is from one of my favorite cities, Charleston, SC.

…some kinda ‘cation…

*Linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!

I just booked a vacation this week too and just the thought of it brought a huge smile to my face!
yes! This past week has been extra crazy at work (isn’t it always?) so having upcoming vacations to think about helps me get through the craziness HA!