My sister’s dog was visiting and the girls were not too sure about him LOL

ate at Agave & Rye for a friend’s birthday. This place is awesome! We then spent the night in a hotel and shopped the next morning.

It’s caroling time! Our local caroling group had our first performance recently at our downtown Christmas Open House for all of the shops. We are scheduled to also sing at the Christmas tree lighting after the Christmas parade. (we may be a part of the Christmas parade as well)

Food from Agave & Rye: (left) sweet corn fritters & “The Alderman”; (right) “The Salty Pimp”

Lululemon leggings! I know I’m really late to the party but recently, I saw some on a sale rack in the store and tried them on, loved them, and bought them!

These recents posts: //CURRENTLY : {November} 2022; Let’s Look: Where I Shop For My Mom; 10 Favorite Cute/Sweet Moments in Books

Christmas music! (That’s a no-brainer LOL)

This accurately represents my life currently LOL but I still love them 😉

…also accurate

Sometimes we just need a reminder.

Linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!