It’s time to look at the books I read in February!

The Family Across the Street by Nicole Trope
“Sometimes, the most perfect families are hiding the most terrible secrets. How well do you know the people next door?
Everybody wants to live on Hogarth Street, the pretty, tree-lined avenue with its white houses. The new family, The Wests, are a perfect fit. Katherine and Josh seem so in love and their gorgeous five-year-old twins race screeching around their beautiful emerald-green lawn.
Every family has secrets, and on the hottest day of the year, the truth is about to come out. As a tragedy unfolds behind closed doors, the dawn chorus is split by the wail of sirens. And one by one the families who tried so hard to welcome the Wests begin to realise: Hogarth Street will never be the same again.”
I was hooked on this book!! I liked how it was told from different points of view: (and normally this would irritate me but it was so well done here!) from the nosy, but well-meaning neighbor; from Katherine herself; from the delivery driver (you meet him pretty quickly once you start reading), and from the person that causes the “disturbance”. (I won’t reveal the name but I can assure you that I was surprised when I found out who it was!) If you like thrillers and mysteries, I would definitely recommend this book! It has become a favorite!
*I did “read” another book on the flight home from Disney (Little Known Facts about Well-Known Places: Walt Disney World) but it was more of a fact book so I will not review it, but I did enjoy learning about little known facts about Disney – some I knew, but most I did not!*

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