This week’s topic: ten favorites from ten favorite series. I struggled to come up with a list at first, but I managed to come up with five. So here we go!
1. The Thursday Murder Club series
Honestly I have not read the last two (I need to get on that!) but of the two I’ve read, I think my favorite is The Man Who Died Twice (book #2), but it barely edges out The Thursday Murder Club. I love them both!
2. Moose Springs Alaska series
All of these are great but I feel like The Tourist Attraction (book #1) was more of my favorite out of the three.
3. The Hunger Games series
I liked The Hunger Games (book #1) the best. Maybe it was just me, but I struggled to get through the rest. I didn’t dislike them enough to give up though
4. Aaron Falk series (The Dry / Force of Nature / Exiles)
I honestly can’t pick a favorite. I loved them all!
5. Divergent series
Again, this is one of those series where I liked the first, but struggled with the rest. Divergent is my favorite.
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!
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I preferred the first Hunger Games book, too.