I have been looking for new linkups to join and found this linkup last month. I like that it is every second Monday of the month, and gives topics to think about ahead of time. This month, the prompt was our favorite and least favorite foods. These are the first things that popped into my head.

Favorite Foods
Mexican food
I’m not picky (as long as it doesn’t have shrimp). I just love Mexican food 🙂

Fish & Chips
If there’s fish & chips on the menu, I will look no further. That is what I’m going to eat….every time!

If tiramisu is on the menu, I will, (1) look at no other dessert (nothing else matters LOL), and (2) make sure I save room to get tiramisu after my meal. I’m shocked that I don’t have a picture of tiramisu!
Fettuccine Alfredo
It’s my favorite. I will almost always order fettuccine alfredo over any other pasta dish.

Maine Lobster Roll
Maine lobster rolls are just better! I have tried and liked “Maine” lobster rolls in other places, but they just taste better in Maine.

Least Favorite Foods
No, I don’t like them. Don’t even offer them to me. There is a funny story about livers in my childhood but that’s another story for another day.
Cottage Cheese
It’s a consistency thing…and it smells funny. I will say, that I have heard that the egg bites at Starbucks are made with cottage cheese and I’m okay with that, but I cannot eat them by themselves. I cannot do the consistency.
Just no. It’s just something about seeing the veins (or where they used to be). If I get one in my mouth, I will likely gag. However, I must say that I can eat Bang Bang Shrimp if it is breaded enough and has enough sauce that I don’t “know” the shrimp is there.

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I am right there with you on all your favorites! But I also love shrimp. 🙂