I have been looking for new linkups to join and found this linkup. I like that it is every second Monday of the month, and gives topics to think about ahead of time. This month, the prompt was our favorite makeup and hair products. I don’t wear makeup so I chose to include facial instead. So, without further ado, I am sharing my favorites (in no particular order):

Favorite Facial Products
After-shower moisturizing – My mom started using this first, and suggested I use it. I’m so glad I did. It is amazing how dry my face is after a shower, and the difference after putting this on my face.

Lip sleeping mask – I know this isn’t for the face but lips are on the face so close enough HA! My lips have been extremely dry all of my life. I feel like this helps. They do still feel moisturized even after sleeping all night.

Favorite Hair Products
Volumizing root lift – I use this after every time I wash my hair. I have fine “flat” hair and this does help!

Mousse – I have had permed hair for years but have recently decided to let the perm grow out. There is still some wave in my hair and this helps it look better.

Hairspray – we all know what this is for LOL. It holds my hair in place (most of the time).

Scruples sculpting glaze – I don’t use this a lot but sometimes my hair needs a little extra help looking better (aka, not so dry.) so I will put a small dab on my fingers, rub my hands together and then rub/scrunch this in my hair. It helps it looks “wet” but not too wet. It helps perk up the wave too.

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My daughter loves the CeraVe products for her face. I too, don’t wear make up or use many products.