Happy Wednesday, friends! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup, and, like last week’s, I feel like this one is made for me. I love fall!

1. It’s officially fall y’all…in the northern hemisphere anyway. What are three of your favorite things about this particular season of the year?
(1) the colors – you know…the browns, oranges, reds, yellows, dark greens, etc.; (2) the temperature is getting cooler! & (3) it is the beginning of my two favorite seasons and favorite holidays of the year.
2. Your favorite fall fabric-denim, flannel, tweed, corduroy, tartan, polar fleece, leather? Do you own something made with your favorite fall fabric?
My three favorites are denim, flannel, and fleece, but out of the three, flannel would probably win out. Winters here aren’t always super cold, but cold enough for something warm, and flannel does the trick. BUT, in the fortunate (for me, anyway) event that it is really cold, it will be fleece! Something not mentioned that I am a fan of is wool. If it’s really cold, I know wool will keep me really warm, so I will grab that over fleece.
3. According to Everyday Health here are ten healthy fall foods- apples (flavonoids may improve brain health), pears (for heart friendly fiber), cranberries (helps your body fight oxidative stress) winter squash (for eye health), pumpkin (another great source of Vitamin A), leeks (an anti-inflammatory food), brussel sprouts (full of fiber and anti-oxidants), sweet potatoes (loaded with Vit A and C), parsnips (keep your bones healthy with Vit K), and broccoli (may help prevent cancer).
How many on the list do you eat on a regular basis? Which one is your favorite? Which one gets a big no thanks from you?
Honestly, I don’t eat any of these regularly. I probably should but I don’t. I do eat apples, but not often. The same with pears. I have pumpkin in pumpkin spice HA! Leeks – no. Not that I don’t like them, I just don’t ever have them. Oh wait! I did have them in something in Scotland and it was delicious! I don’t have brussel sprouts much at all, but if I do, I prefer the frozen kind (cooked of course), not the fresh kind. It does taste different to me. I do sometimes have a sweet potato but not very often. I don’t know if I’ve ever had a parsnip. I do eat broccoli sometimes. Out of all of these, I probably it is more than the others, but it still isn’t often.
4. Tell us about the last time (or a recent time) you experienced a wave of nostalgia.
There have been a lot of times in the last 4 months of cleaning/cleaning out my grandmother’s house that I experienced a wave of nostalgia.
5. Sept. 22nd was National Daughter’s Day. Like mother, like daughter…does this idiom ring true for you? You may answer in terms of your own role as a daughter or, if you have daughters, then your role as a mother of daughters.
I am very much like my mom, and I’m proud of it 🙂
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Somehow, September flew by. That is all LOL

Enjoyed your answers – I also like wool during the colder months, though I don’t own much wool clothing any more. I want to wear something cozy like wool, but almost always end up feeling much too hot anyway! I was just thinking today at work that September sure went by fast – how did that happen? Have a great week!
I agree with you about usually getting hot wearing wool :/