Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month.

pictures from a friend that I went to Las Vegas with. He posted pictures more so
we will all “share” them and then add more.
new running shoes. It is past time to get some more.
blog posts for the remainder of 2021 and runs (both road and trail) in 2022.
what to wear for the 25K trail run next weekend.


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All those books sound so interesting!
I really enjoyed The Last Thing He Told Me! I'm trying to plan ahead with blog posts but need to actually sit and write the ones I've planned now.
Hope all the books are enjoyable! I don't run, but I could definitely use some new gym shoes.
The last thing he told me is on my list too. I just need to get a hold of it. How did you like it?
I really did like it. I won't spoil anything but my thoughts were right along with what happened. But at times, I doubted them, but it is only because I know some books have unexpectd twists. I guess part of me was preparing for that HA!
There is always a good reason for gym shoes 🙂
yes! Same!
I do have the drafts started for the next 2-3 months but now I just have to go in and actually get the content put into the post.
"The Last Thing He Told Me" was interesting. "Downhills Don't Come Free…" is so far. I think part of what makes it interesting is because I've been to Alaska so I can actually picture some of the places he talked about when he first started. "14 Ways to Die" sounded interesting enough in a 10-second glance to make me buy it so I hope it is!