It’s a week late now but it’s done…
Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month.

the changing color of the leaves, the cool (most of the time) Fall temperatures

to put this Christmas tree up before the end of October (or at least that’s the plan). It
won’t be “officially” up until November 1st though ha! I had planned to do the same
last year and then Tropical Storm Olga came through north MS and knocked the
power out for several days so I’m hoping we can get through tree decorating
without losing power this time

healthy pumpkin chocolate chip muffins

blog posts, running days, church activities, 5K volunteers
2020 would straighten up…(for one, for the coronavirus to be done)…I’m ready for
most of life to be back to normal