What’s this?! An updated graphic!! Whoo hoo! Let’s see what am I currently up to 🙂

the ability to make & update my own blog graphics! (see above, and updated ones on future “Friday Favorites” posts)
to plan out Easter weekend, Memorial Day weekend, Vacation Bible School, etc. Never too early to plan ahead!

as many blog posts for March that I can. I like having them ready to post at the time and on the day that I want.
to get my bedroom and closet purged, but there seems to be something else that needs to be done first. Maybe I’ll be able to get it together soon!
to enjoy running on beautiful Spring days! Despite the pollen & allergy problems from said pollen, I love running and enjoy seeing everything blooming 🙂

to-do lists. I’ve got so much to do, and I will forget it all, so it goes on a to-do list. I may not get it done right away, but it’ll be written down so I won’t forget it.
clothes for Spring and Summer, in smaller sizes!
belts…a smaller running belt and a gun belt.


*linking up with Jennifer, at Overflowing with Thankfulness.

**At SunnySide, we utilize affiliate links which may result in a commission on certain website.
Had to laugh at the backup plan having a backup plan! I’m lucky to have any plan at all most days!
well, to be honest, some days I feel like I don’t have a plan, but when things are going smoothly, my backup plan has a backup plan LOL
I have most of March written and scheduled but now I need to actually keep up on things, and do that for the upcoming months. I’m always behind it seems! LOL
I really need to get back on the wagon of writing posts ahead of time. Totally feel off that one….and it is a drudgery writing at the last minute. I’ve never done well enough to prepare an entire month though! Kudos –