Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to sahre a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month.
This month’s prompts are collecting, craving, picturing, playing, and wishing.

names HA! Our church has grown rapidly and as we continue to grow, we need to be able to keep up with our children and what allergies or medical issues they might have. We want to be able to take care of them as best as possible so I am collecting their names and information to add to the database. The teachers will then have that information in case an emergency arises.
cucumbers with cream cheese spread and Everything but Bagel seasoning

my excitement when I see that Walt Disney World sign in 15 days!

Disney Peaceful Piano Radio on Pandora. Also, I have “discovered” a running playlist and running podcasts on Spotify so I’m playing those now. (I know it has been around but I just never got into using it but it looks like that has changed).
this show had more than 8 episodes! It was so good! I tried to research and see if that there will be another season, and as of now, there will not but I feel like it ended in a way that they could have more.

I hope you have a great time on your vacation. I have not tried that Pandora station…but think I will today!!
It is great! It is peaceful and not distracting…unless it plays a song that you know and love. Then you might be tempted to sing along 🙂
I hope you have a great time at Disney!
That cucumber snack looks like something my mom and sister would LOVE.
It is delicious! They definitely should try it!
I’m belatedly catching up on my “Currently” posts. I hope you are having (had) a great time at Disney. What fun!!! And now I want cucumbers! Hahaha!!!
I did have a great time at Disney! ….and I’m still craving some cucumbers! I can’t wait until they are “in season” here! Store bought are ok but I’m trying to hold out for the home grown cucumbers because they are always so much better!