Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to sahre a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month.
This month’s prompts are celebrating, giving, taking, trying, and wearing.

MEMORIAL DAY. Even though we celebrated by spending time with family and friends, we cannot and will not forget the real reason for the day…and we owe all the thanks to those who fought for our freedom so that we do have the opportunity to spend it with family and friends. Our church had a Sunday Fun Day at the local ballpark where we played games, fellowshipped with one another, and ate hot dogs and hamburgers. On Monday, we got work done around the house and just enjoyed time together with family.

A LOT OF THOUGHT TO A LOT OF THINGS. I know that is very vague but I have a lot on my mind…not necessarily anything bad or stressful…just thinking about things that I need to do, or start doing, or stop doing, and so on.

(or maybe I should be making) TIME TO READ. Every night I have intentions to read before going to bed, because, I do love to read. But then, I look at my phone and before I know it, I have been sucked into the TikTok vortex and it is then past bedtime. So I am making a conscious effort to take time to read, and not look at my phone before bed.

TO BE HEALTHIER. It is so dadgum hard though! :/ But I am not giving up!!
I just got back from Universal Studios so THIS…🙂

I have all the same intentions of reading before bed. Why is it such a struggle?? Here’s to a month of less mindless scrolling….enjoy your June!!
yes! to less mindless scrolling!
I don’t always read as much at night as I should, but I am trying to find times during the day to read so that’s been nice. And ooh I’d love to visit Universal Studios someday.
Lately, I have thought about reading during the day (and have before-it does help) but lately I’ve been busy during the day. I do hope to slow down a little and at least be able to read more during the day on Saturdays.
I have been trying to focus more on reading lately. I feel like I play games on my kindle rather than read, and I’m not proud of that.
Here’s to us all finding something so intriguing to read that we won’t even think about playing games (or watching TikTok)!!