Linking up again with Jenna and Anne for what I am “Currently…” doing=)
{resolving} *to blog more! (I have severely slacked on blogging in 2015:( It was
definitely not intentional)
*to eat better! I’m not going to say diet because that will more than likely
lead to failure. “Eating better” is more achievable:)
*to just be better all around!
{reading} Allegiant (yes, I know I’m way behind!)
{organizing} my 2016 EC planner, church obligations…my life
{loving} how blessed I am! I am blessed with family and friends that I love, a great
job, an absolutely amazing church and extraordinary pastor and pastor’s
wife, plus so much more
{craving} a Buffalo Chicken Cheesesteak from Loggerhead’s at Folly Beach
(I’m thinking it doesn’t fall into the “eating better” though HAHA)

A buffalo chicken cheesesteak sounds AMAZING (and I might have to go find a recipe for that now and make it for dinner!!). I'm feeling so blessed as well–isn't it wonderful how God surrounds us with great people? 🙂 glad you shared this on the currently linkup!
I agree that "eating better" is a good way to put it – we can all achieve that, even if by little bits! Thanks for linking up!