//Currently :: [FEBRUARY] 2025

A new month!! Now, let’s see what I am currently up to 🙂


Days warm enough to open the windows. I don’t mind cold weather at all, but I do enjoy when the temperature is just right, and the windows are open.

Family run/walks.

My February phone backgrounds.


A trip to the beach…in August. I know it’s several months before we go, but I am still anticipating it.

Also, a trip somewhere out of the country. We just haven’t decided where yet 🙂


I was going to get my nails done this month, but I forgot to get an appointment. Now, what’s the point? LOL. I’ll just wait until March now.


..or rather not sharing, the flu! So many at church have the flu right now, and I’ve been around them all :/ Thankfully, I am not sick so hopefully, I can continue to not share it.


I don’t have a wish list but these are a few things I have on the “save for later” list, that I need to actually buy.

*linking up with Jennifer, at My Joyful Life.

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