A new month!! Let’s see what am I currently up to 🙂

my planner cover for February!

16 days from the time of this post, I will be on my way to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure with friends! We love roller coasters! We are ready!

nothing. I have no husband or significant other so I don’t have to worry about this! Now, if I did, I don’t know what I would do – maybe go out and eat and then enjoy each other’s company?

How I get my church work done. I used to do it all on Saturdays but sometimes it is a lot more than usual, so I have been dividing out throughout the week. I will write it on my to-do list for days during the week, instead of just on Saturdays. If I can’t get it finished during the week, I will then finish it on Saturdays.

Super Bowl (is that a celebration?) and Valentine’s Day. We have a Super Bowl “Party” at church on Sunday and then on Valentine’s Day, we will have food and fun for the children in Children’s Church.
*linking up with Jennifer, at Overflowing with Thankfulness.

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Love your Valentine’s sweatshirt – I am in agreement! Your February cover is lovely x
haha it is the perfect sweatshirt!
Have a wonderful time on your trip!
Thank you!
Have a great time on your trip!
Thank you!
Haha I love that sweatshirt! I need that. Love the planner cover for February. Very cute.
Thank you! It is the perfect sweatshirt!
Hello, Rachel! I’m so glad you linked up with us for Currently this month. I love your Valentine sweatshirt! Honestly, I do not love this “Hallmark inspired holiday”, but I do love to decorate for it. I am married, but we don’t celebrate this day; we just do little things all throughout the year and on normal days that express our love, and we always try to extend kindness to one another. I think that’s the best thing we can all do for that day! I love your planner cover, it immediately caught my eye! I hope you had a great rest of your week and that you get to do something fun this weekend!
I agree. It is fun to decorate for 🙂
I like your idea for getting church work done. I need to do my Junior Church planning all on one day…and that often is (too) late in the week. For me, it is akin to procrastinating. Sigh.
Well, it is a work in progress.
I’m married and I still want that sweatshirt! Hahaha!!!
HAHA I would still wear it too!