Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month.

Healthy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip muffins

the WFH office for Christmas. It’s not much but it’s something (of course, the
Christmas tree and other decorations in the living and dining rooms have been up
since Nov. 1)
…I honestly have no idea. As a family (there are 4 of us – mom, grandmother, sister,
me), we don’t buy each other Christmas gifts. We give/buy things for each other
throughout the year so we don’t buy at Christmas. It is just something we decided to
do. It takes the stress out of having to worry about what to buy. As far as friend gifts,
we normally don’t do them. If I see something that I want to buy someone, I will but
there is no plan to exchange gifts as friends. Each others’ company is enough for

for a better year next year!!
(although the working from home has been GREAT and will hopefully stay!)

MERRY CHRISTMAS greetings (online). I don’t have time to get Christmas cards
together and mailed so online it is this year!

I too am hoping for better 2021. Merry Christmas!
Those muffins look delicous!
Those muffins look yummy!! We have really scaled back who we buy for as well – just all the little kids now. Hoping for the same as you. 🙂
Definitely nice to scale back on the gift buying and focus on the other joys of the season. I can't get away with that with a 7-year-old, but we have done the same with adult siblings. Thanks for joining in, and enjoy the holidays.
Yes, let's hope 2021 is much better than 2020 has been (at least since March). And my husband and I tend to buy each other things throughout the year as well. It definitely saves on stress in December.
That's nice you don't have to worry about gift giving during the holidays. Personally, I love it, but I know it can be stressful for a lot of people.
New to your blog (found you through the Currently linkup), but I had a suggestion for your gift giving for your family members – how about photo books or memory books from either this year (if possible) or favorite memories from your past? That might be something fun and unexpected! I was making them for my mom and mother-in-law each year for Mother's Day, but I've been slacking!
Those muffins look fantastic! I'm going to have to find that recipe for my mom and my daughter to try out!
They really are…healthy, but delicious!
It was a very enjoyable Christmas…just family (4 of us) and no pressure of gifts.
Definitely enjoyed! I hope you did as well!
The photo and memory books are a great idea!
I don't necessarily hate it but I'm not the type person that finds good, practical, thoughtful gifts (or at least I feel that way) so it tends to be stressful.
yes! It is great to enjoy the holidays stress-free lol
I hope your holidays were great and that 2021 is treating you well so far!