It’s that time again! Linking up with Anne for what I am “Currently…” doing=)

rain pants & waterproof, but warm, gloves because Iceland (wind + rain = cold & wet!)
I haven’t really been that much into TV lately for some reason but…when I’m actually
watching McLeod’s Daughters (Amazon Prime). It is about Drover’s Run, a family farm
in Australia, that has been passed down for generations. Most recently, it was passed
down to Jack McLeod’s daughters, hence…McLeod’s Daughters. It shows the ups and
downs of farming, the struggles and triumphs of family relationships, and so on.There
are over 200 episodes so it is something that will give you something to watch for a
I am looking forward to the next season of Jack Ryan to come out on Amazon Prime
and it will probably be something I can sit and watch for a while, instead of getting
bored and wanting to go clean out closets, organize things, etc. Who am I?!

where have the last 7 months gone?! It’s hard to believe it is already August.

this season of life/time of year.
(1) I have started a new job (same company) and I love it.
(2) I have started back reading and I look forward to it. (It may sound crazy to list this
but when I was “forced” to read in school, leisurely reading lost its appeal).
(3) I am staying pretty busy with church “jobs”, gym, trying to running, etc. but that is a
good thing because if I’m not busy, I tend to eat more.
(4) The next few months are busy but it is my FAVORITE time of year so I’m looking
forward to it!

I always think of the slow cooker as a winter thing, but you're reminding me it's actually brilliant for summer – we're always so busy, not to mention that who wants to turn on an oven right now?!
I'm getting four meals a week from Freshly, and it's super handy because the food is good for you and you just WARM IT UP! Seriously – no cooking. I wrote about it in my Currently post this week. lol These upcoming months are going to be sooo busy for me too, but I'm excited. I love the Fall/Halloween time.
HAHA. We'd be hungry in the summer without a slow cooker!