Linking up with Anne for what I am “Currently…” doing.

Sunday morning and Wednesday night church livestreams. Being able to still “attend”
church during this isolation has been such a blessing and comfort.
blog posts and to-do lists
people would take this virus serious and #stayhome. I am ready for things to be back to
normal so we can get on with life and get back to physically being in church and being
able to see friends and family.
things to do and see in Austria. I know this virus will be gone just like it started so I am
not going to stop planning. It won’t last forever and life will resume at a normal pace so I
will be ready.
groceries and “essentials”. Aren’t we all? Grocery pickup has been the greatest thing
during this time! I may not ever go back into the grocery store…

You are so lucky you can get a grocery pick up time! I've tried since all of this started happening and haven't been able to get one. That's how I did all my shopping before.
I am planning a trip to LA/Disneyland in November with my kiddos and I haven't stopped planning it. I cannot wait to take them there.
You will have so much fun in Austria! It's so beautiful!
The livestream services have been wonderful. It seems not that long ago, if a service was cancelled for a snowstorm etc, we just missed out. Imagine if we were having to go months without any church service. Sigh. Our Wednesday evening service tonight was such a blessing during the middle of this week!!
I am trying to make future plans, because you're right, things will get back to normal someday. I wish people would stay home and do their part too though – they're just making things worse for our healthcare system!
Yep, we've all got to hold strong with staying home, even as it starts to get old. It saves lives, and also we all do want to get back to normal, don't we?! It'll be great to get back together with friends and family then 🙂
Yes, I have been lucky. Ours has gotten to the point where we get an order picked up, place an order the same day, if not the next, and the next available time is a week out. But thankfully, we are able to plan that far ahead. Not exactly perfect but we haven't starved.
Yes! We have been livestreaming for probably a year (maybe longer) and it was great when we were out on vacation or sick but I didn't appreciate just how great it is until now. Before, I knew I would be back at church at a certain time but during this "season", I don't know when. Also, knowing that we have "church" on Sundays and Wednesday nights seem to bring a little bit of normalcy during a time when nothing else is really the same.
Yes it will! I'm not a hugger (hello, introvert!) but some of my friends can be expecting a hug when we are all free to safely socialize again.
Yes! I have friends in healthcare and not only is their job harder now because the system is getting (or already is) strained, they are being exposed and away from their families. The faster people "lock it down", the faster we can get this under control, and ultimately, gone!
As far as the planning ahead, say, for vacations, I feel like it adds a little bit of positivity and happiness. We know this will be over and vacations make us happy so even if we aren't able to find the positive and happiness now, we know it is out there so why not think about it now?:)