Hey ya’ll! I’m Kayla and I blog over at Mississippi Mrs. I’m so grateful to Rachel for letting me take over her space today. Rachel and I have known each other a long time in real life. She and I went to the same high school and were in various clubs/events together. She is such a sweetheart and I’m honored she asked me to fill in for her while she is on vacation.
As I was brainstorming for what I wanted to talk about today, it hit me what Rachel and I for sure have in common- Coffee! I mean c’mon, she didn’t get her name Single, with a Double Espresso Shot from nowhere.
Coffee is a very essential part of my day. When I wake up, I stumble to my Keurig before I even put my contacts in. It’s that serious! 🙂 Growing up, I never really understood how my parents drank the stuff. They can basically drink their black. That is crossing the line for me.
Insert my lifesaver.

Pour in some Hazelnut creamer and life just makes more sense! 🙂 I’ve had different creamers, but this is always what Brian and I tend to come back to. It gives it just enough taste to knock the black out.
Are you a coffee drinker? What’s your favorite flavor?
Catch me over at Mississippi Mrs. if you want to hear more from me. I blog about life as a newlywed, recipes, DIY, and sometimes beauty. In all honesty, it’s just a big scramble of choas. Just like I like it. 🙂
Thanks for having me over, Rachel!