Happy Wednesday, friends! Let’s do this!! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics.

1. What’s a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?
I have no idea how old I was but I know I had to have been a toddler, but one winter, we got so much snow that it was almost as high as I was tall. I remember it! I also remember my mom and grandmother had shoveled the path between the two houses so I could go back and forth. This amount of snow is extremely rare here in the South, and I don’t think we have ever had that much since.
2. Tell us about the last time or a recent time you were caught up in red tape. Does it send your frustration level off the charts or is it something you’ve come to expect when dealing with any sort of bureaucracy?
I honestly cannot remember a time I was caught in red tape. I do think it would send my anxiety off the charts, but I also know “The One” who can calm that anxiety and would already have it under control 🙂
3. Do you eat/like fish? Do you cook fish at home? What’s your favorite fish dish? Have you ever been ice fishing?
I love fish, especially fried. I do not cook fish at home, unless it is pre-breaded. My favorite fish dish is fish and chips 😉 I have not been ice fishing. Given the chance, I would try it.

4. Did you watch any of the US President’s Inauguration coverage on Monday, Jan 20? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being not at all and 10 being very very) how interested are you in politics in general? Do you follow/keep up with/ get involved with local politics?
I did watch the inauguration and I enjoyed watching it. History was made, and regardless of your political views, it was a great thing to watch. I cried several times, and oh, the patriotism! As far as my interest in politics, local or otherwise, I am a 6 or 7. I do care, and very much, but if it is all I hear, it does get to be too much, and tears my stomach up.

5. What’s the coziest thing you own and what makes it so?
I’ll have to say… probably my Rudolph onesie that I bought to run in for this past Reindeer Run. It was so cozy (when not running LOL) but I will easily get hot so I haven’t warn it yet in the house this winter.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
At the beginning of the year, I had no vacations planned. Now, I have 1.5 planned LOL (the half means it is in the works, but one is fully planned, like everything is booked).

Your Rudolph onesie is very cute! I hope he helped you to run faster!!
Visiting you today from the Hodgepodge. Blessings!