It was a busy, but great Christmas weekend! I did not get many pictures but that just means I was enjoying it!
Friday Night
I didn’t do much because it was my first day off for Christmas break. I did make a run to the local jewelry store to pick up my new ring that had been sized. While I was out, I stopped at two different restaurants for supper for my grandmother, my mom, my sister, and me. OMG! The traffic! I was so glad to get back home HA!
It was a low-key day at home with family. We ate, we watched TV, and we hung out with each other.

(Funny story about the above picture: we did not plan to have matching pajamas. I first had these PJs, but they had gotten too big, so I gave them to my sister. I was ordering some in a smaller size to replace them. Around the same time, my mom ordered new PJs to replace her others that had gotten too big. So, that’s how we accidentally ended up with matching Christmas pajamas.)
We had Christmas Eve service at church – no Sunday School, just worship and word. It was a great service. After church, we stopped at our new Mexican restaurant in town and had lunch, made a stop at Kroger on the way home, and then stayed home the rest of the time 🙂
To be honest, nothing special on Christmas other than spending time with family. We ate and we hung out with each other. I did have a pretty bad headache for most of the day but by early evening, it had let up so I was able to enjoy the rest of the day.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!