On the first Friday of each month, I will chat over coffee about what’s going on with me. So, grab a coffee (iced or hot) and pull up a chair!

If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would say that planning a 5K (like coordinating, not running) 3 days after returning from Hawaii was not smart, but I did survive and everything got done! It was a success!

If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would tell you that, I am already planning things into 2024. By things, I mean, all the things HA! I have already started thinking about next year’s 5K (mentioned above) and it won’t be happening until October/November. Also, I am planning things out for my church administrative job. I am working to get things more streamlined and organized.

If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I am excited that it is finally Fall, Thanksgiving, winter, Christmas, and New Year time! This really is my favorite time of year!

*Linking up with Deborah and Coco for Ultimate Coffee Date.

Planning and coordinating races can be lots more work than actually running in one! I also love this time of the year
That is true!! It is so much easier to just run one HA!