I found this linkup and loved the idea of it! On the first Saturday of each month, I will be chatting, over coffee, about what’s going on with me. So, grab yourself a coffee (iced or hot) and pull up a chair!

If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would tell you that getting outside for a run or walk will make you feel better. There’s just something about the daylight, the “natural” air for our lungs, and, for me, the trees, flowers, animals, all the things, that make me feel better.

If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would say that it is ok to take a rest day, or two:) Recently, there have been two different days where plans changed on a Saturday (thanks to stormy weather) so I had an unplanned rest day, and it was GLORIOUS!

If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would tell you that while I am not a fan of the treadmill (it is boring to me), I am looking forward to getting in workouts at the gym again. It is too hot for running outside here in the summer so while running will more than likely be boring, it will be great to gain in the strength department again π

If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would say that I am looking forward to taking time off of work to learn. I know that sounds crazy but I don’t have a trip planned during the remainder of this fiscal year at work (and I’m not losing those days) so I have taken some time within the next 2 weeks to learn as much as I can about a church management software that we use at church. I can’t wait!

*linking up with Deborah and Coco for Ultimate Coffee Date.

Hi Rachel glad to found us and decided to join us. I am also not a fan of treadmill runs and also love to get outside whenever I can. Rest days are so important I take one every week. Hope you have the chance to check out some of the other bloggers too we are a great group
I’m definitely not a fan of the treadmill but if that’s your option then you’ve got to take it! I do try to go outside anyway for at least 15 min no matter the weather. Outside air is the best. I love rest days too π
Yes! That outside air is just different!
Yay, welcome to the linkup! I find that the times I’m most cranky tend to be when I haven’t been outside in nature/on a walk in a while, so I’ve been trying to make a conscious effort to do that more regularly!
I’m not a fan of treadmill runs either but I do find myself wishing for some kinda cardio equipment that I could use while catching up on shows! π (I quit my gym last year after building a home gym but we mostly have weights, hehe.)