On the first Friday of each month, I will chat over coffee about what’s happening with me. So, grab a coffee (iced or hot) and pull up a chair!

If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would tell you that, since we last chatted over coffee, I now have 3 trips, possibly 4, planned. One to Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure with friends, one to the mountains to help with church camp, one to Indiana for a Children’s Ministry conference, and possibly one abroad with a friend! That escalated quickly HA!
If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would say that I no longer dislike Valentine’s Day like I used to. Honestly, I still think it is dumb but I don’t dislike it nearly as much. I used to hate it, like HATE it, hate it, but now I’m like uh, ok. I’m sure this sweatshirt I just got will help. It sure makes me happy, and is something I’m saying a lot… “I need a nap”.

If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would tell you that, after trying to travel with a duffle as a carry-on, I have abandoned that idea and invested in a carry-on suitcase. The duffle is still great for overnight trips, but 3-4 days in a duffle is tough. I’m looking forward to using the new carry-on at the end of this month!

*Linking up with Deborah and Coco for Ultimate Coffee Date.

How exciting about your trips! Glad you got a carry-on bag. It makes traveling go a bit smoother.