This week’s topic is a Relationship Freebie (Pick a relationship type and choose characters who fit that relationship as it relates to you. So, characters you’d like to date, be friends with, be enemies with, etc. Bookish families you’d like to be a part of, characters you’d want as your siblings, pets you’d like to take for yourself, etc.). I decided to go with characters I’d like to be friends with.

1. Katniss Everdeen from Hunger Games series
She knows how to survive. I might be able to on my own but I’d rather have a friend that I know can survive too.
2. Bree from The Boardwalk Bookshop
She owns the bookshop. That would make for a cool friend in my book!
3. Nina from The Bookshop on the Corner
She is a librarian and “matches” people with their perfect books. How cool is that?!
4. Elizabeth from The Thursday Murder Club series
She is an ex-spy, and she doesn’t play games when she is “investigating”.
5. Patrick Hutchison from Cabin
He is an amateur (at first) DIY-er and yet he seems to still have fun! Plus, he restores a cabin in the Pacific Northwest. That is somewhere I would like to be!
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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Katniss is a good choice!
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.