
Who’da Thunk?

I don’t know how true these facts and laws are…I found them on different websites (StrangeFacts.com & funnyjunksite.com)**Should there be a crash, Prince Charles and Prince William never travel on the same airplane as a precaution…..probably a good idea!**Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult….I’ll have to remember that!**There …

What I’m [Copying]

I got this idea from a friend who “borrowed” it from another blogger who had borrowed it from another blogger….lol….still with me? 🙂 What I’m [reading]: “Going Rogue-An American Life” by Sarah Palin What I’m [also reading]: haha…I am reading different things…well, technically I am about to start reading-“Spoken from the Heart” by Laura Bush and …