This week’s topic is books or covers that feel/look like summer. That is a fun topic for the first TTT of June 🙂 Of the ones I have listed below, four I have read already, and six are on my TBR list. 1. Exiles by Jane Harper When I think about festivals, I think about …
This week’s topic is things that make me instantly NOT want to read a book, which is the opposite of last week. That makes it fun! I have a short list because I’m fairly easy to please when reading but these will definitely cause me to take a long pause, and maybe even move on. …
This week’s topic is things that make me instantly want to read a book. I’m a visual person and the things listed below will prove that (see #1 & #2) HA! 1. Cover color I like bright colors mostly, but I am definitely more drawn to yellow, pink, and teal/turquoise. So, if it is one …
This week’s topic is things getting in the way of reading. Some things cannot be helped, but others…I could do better LOL. 1. Life This one word could sum up the entire post. Life happens. It doesn’t always go as we plan. 2. Running Instead of running on Saturday mornings, I could be reading. But …
This week’s topic is “books I recommend the most to others”. Some have appeared on TTT lists but some are way back in my reading past, before TTT and even before I started blogging. 1. The Last Thing He Told Me I actually just recently suggested this book to a friend and she loved it …
This week’s topic is the first ten books I randomly grabbed from my shelf. To do this, I closed my eyes and point to 10 random titles. I’ve broken them down into what I’ve read and what I plan to read. I’ve Read: 1. Little Lady, Big Apple by Hester Browne 2. Holy Bible 3. …
This week’s topic is a non-book freebie, which could have included hobbies, TV/movies, bands/singers, food/recipes, etc. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I thought about all of the things above, then ten favorite places I’ve visited, or ten places I want to visit, but I decided to list ten things about me. 1. …
This week’s topic is: titles with animals in them and/or covers with animals on them. I’m going to take it a step further and list books with cats on the cover. As a fur mama to 3 cats, I have to:) Don’t worry – I do like dogs. I just have too busy of a …
This week’s topic is Indie books. To be honest I really did not know what that meant. So, after looking it up, “indie” basically means a book that is self-published or published by an independent press. As I was doing the research on what Indie actually means, I found several books that have been released …
This week’s topic is a rewind, which meant choosing a previous topic and building a list from that. I looked through all 641 previous topics, narrowed it down to 14, and finally, favorite places to read. I only have five favorites but they are favorites all the same:) 1. at the beach 2. on a …