Happy Wednesday, friends! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics. 1. Talking turkey…are you cooking the turkey this year? Does ham belong on a Thanksgiving day menu? When it comes to gravy do you pour it over your whole plate, skip it altogether, or land …
It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time to link up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday! |What I’m Eating| Tzatziki dip and Naan bites. Y’all!! OMG! I love this! |What I’m Reminiscing About| Last Thanksgiving. It was my grandmother’s last Thanksgiving with us 🙁 |What I’m Loving| cold weather! |What I’ve Been Up To| The …
This week’s topic is a freebie. Since it is Thanksgiving week, I am going to list ten things I am thankful for. 1. I am thankful for my family’s and my good health. 2. I am thankful that I have a good job. 3. I am thankful that I can pay my bills, and that …
It was a “Wicked” weekend!! Friday If you can’t already tell, it was “Wicked” premiere weekend at our local theater and we were there for it! I’ve seen the stage production of it three times, and now the movie once, and we’re already planning to go again! If you don’t know about “Wicked’, it’s sort …
It’s time for another Monthly Musing with Holly & Patty!! This time I’m talking about holiday fun. 1. Any holiday parties on tap? Friendsgiving at church, Cookies & Cocoa for the church children, Sunday School Christmas parties, and then our Care Group Christmas party on January 5 (our church calendar is full so we are …
Happy Wednesday, friends! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics. 1. What was your favorite part about growing up in your hometown? So, let me preface my answer by saying…most of my favorite parts will actually be in my current town, because my hometown was …
It was a laid-back weekend. Friday Friday afternoon, we had a few errands to run, and we stopped to pick up supper while we were out. We ate supper and spent the rest of the night relaxing. Saturday Saturday, I could finally get a run in without it raining. It’s not every time that I …
This week’s topic is destination titles. I did this as a freebie once and chose random places. This time, I decided to narrow it down to European countries (most of which I hope to visit someday and some I have already visited). Since there are 44 European countries, I chose to do the northern and …
It was a laid-back and rainy weekend. It was productive though! Friday Friday, after work, we had a few errands to run, so while we were out, we did some clothes shopping. We first stopped for groceries, took those home and put them up, then stopped at two clothing stores, and finally Lowes for kale …
It’s Friday, and fall weather is here! (even if it is slowly getting there) Let’s see what my favorites have been lately. You already know 😻 25K Trail running – my longest distance each year, but also my favorite run. A successful Kingdom Run 5K (our yearly fundraiser). 300 pink ribbons for Pink Out Sunday. …