I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog to look at … Holiday Decor Storage. You probably came here expecting a super organized storage situation. Well, let me disappoint you LOL. I will say, it isn’t a super chaotic mess but we do hope for …
Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month. |BORROWING| pictures from a friend that I went to Las Vegas …
It’s time to look at the books I read in September! The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave ★★★★.75 Before Owen Michael goes missing, he manages to slip his wife Hannah a note and a bag of money. The note says, “Protect her”. Hannah knows the …
It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday! |What I’m Eating…| taco soup, & all the soups. It’s that time of year …
Happy Friday! It’s time for some of my favorites! RANDOM FAVORITES FROM THE PAST FEW WEEKS… the kittens are growing and still wild HA!…but adorable! climbing on top of the cabinets… …
Today’s post is short and sweet…but still wanted to share:) I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog to look at … Meal Planning. To be honest, I don’t consistently meal plan. It is hit or miss, and mostly miss lately. I’ve been so busy …
Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month. |BEGINNING| to pull out the fall decorations and shirts. The …
It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday! |What I’m Eating…| Shay’s Chicken Totilla Soup|What I’m Reminiscing About…| our …
Today (2 days late), I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog to look at … my Phone, Apps, & Such. These are my most used “pages”: my home page and the first one when you swipe left (or the next page to the right …
Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month. |ADMIRING| people who are able to happily function in the …