This list has no rhyme or reason, other than the fact that I want to read them all next. It will be a mix of mystery, inspiration, motivation, humor, plus some. Some are new, some I’ve had for a while, some are e-books and some are library borrows. 1. Exiles by Jane Harper 2. Becoming …
It was not a busy weekend but it was productive. Friday Night It was a low-key Friday night. I started laundry, ate dinner, read some, and went to bed. Saturday Unfortunately, I did not get a run in because I woke up with a headache. I’m sure it was a combination of the crazy up-and-down …
Happy Friday! It’s time for some of my favorites! The babies love “work from home” days. LOL. Actually they probably just tolerate it, but I sure love being having them as WFH mascots. I have two vacations planned. One is booked; the other is still in discussion, but will happen 🙂 I found some really …
Sometimes it is good to just stop and think about what we are thankful for. Life gets hectic and sometimes it seems like everything is going wrong, falling apart. But there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, no matter how small. So, here is what I am thankful for today. I am thankful for …
This week’s topic is bookish people we’d like to meet. I’m going to break this down into a list of book characters I’d like to meet, and then a list of authors I’d like to meet. But before I start my list, I honestly would love to meet every single Top Ten Tuesday blogger. They …
It was a busy weekend! I was a very good weekend but I am tired. I do not have pictures because I was too busy to get any HA! Here’s what I was up to… Friday Night Night 1 of Recovery Revival. (The Recovery Revival was started at our church a few years ago, as …
Happy Friday! It’s time for some of my favorites! It’s also time for some updated graphics for spring:) It wouldn’t be a favorites post without these cute babies 🙂 another favorite? These Spring graphics! They make me happy! 🙂 It’s the time of year for my favorite flowers – daffodils! This was just so pretty …
What’s this?! An updated graphic!! Whoo hoo! Let’s see what am I currently up to 🙂 |LOVING| the ability to make & update my own blog graphics! (see above, and updated ones on future “Friday Favorites” posts) |STARTING| to plan out Easter weekend, Memorial Day weekend, Vacation Bible School, etc. Never too early to plan …
This week’s topic was “Genre freebie”, which meant pick a genre and build a list around it. When I started thinking about the genres that I seem to be drawn to lately, historical fiction was one that stuck out. To be honest, I am normally not at all interested in history (it is a short …
It was a semi-low key weekend. I wasn’t upset about it at all 🙂 Friday Night Fridays are usually work from home days (hence the reason laundry usually starts on Fridays) and this day was no exception. But, after work, I actually got clothes on to go pick up food. It was worth it! Back …