This week’s topic is bookish people we’d like to meet. I’m going to break this down into a list of book characters I’d like to meet, and then a list of authors I’d like to meet. But before I start my list, I honestly would love to meet every single Top Ten Tuesday blogger. They …
It was a busy weekend! I was a very good weekend but I am tired. I do not have pictures because I was too busy to get any HA! Here’s what I was up to… Friday Night Night 1 of Recovery Revival. (The Recovery Revival was started at our church a few years ago, as …
Happy Friday! It’s time for some of my favorites! It’s also time for some updated graphics for spring:) It wouldn’t be a favorites post without these cute babies 🙂 another favorite? These Spring graphics! They make me happy! 🙂 It’s the time of year for my favorite flowers – daffodils! This was just so pretty …
What’s this?! An updated graphic!! Whoo hoo! Let’s see what am I currently up to 🙂 |LOVING| the ability to make & update my own blog graphics! (see above, and updated ones on future “Friday Favorites” posts) |STARTING| to plan out Easter weekend, Memorial Day weekend, Vacation Bible School, etc. Never too early to plan …
This week’s topic was “Genre freebie”, which meant pick a genre and build a list around it. When I started thinking about the genres that I seem to be drawn to lately, historical fiction was one that stuck out. To be honest, I am normally not at all interested in history (it is a short …
It was a semi-low key weekend. I wasn’t upset about it at all 🙂 Friday Night Fridays are usually work from home days (hence the reason laundry usually starts on Fridays) and this day was no exception. But, after work, I actually got clothes on to go pick up food. It was worth it! Back …
Well, here I am with another “bonus” post. I don’t normally post on Saturdays, but this will more than likely be a regular, monthly thing (the last Saturday of the month). Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness has taken over “Share 4 Somethings” after Heather decided to no longer host the link-up. The prompts will be …
It’s time for another Monthly Musing. This time we’re talking about warm weather destinations and winter travel tips. Traveling…my favorite! To be honest, I like snow, and I don’t look for warm weather in winter, so some of these will be answered with trips that are warm, but were taken during the summer. 1. Favorite …
It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday! |What I’m Eating| Since I got back from Disney 9 days ago, I’m going to share where we ate and what I ate. (Now that I’m back at home, I’m working to get my eating back under control and …
I’ll be honest…I was struggling to think of heroines in books, but once I did a little research, there were so many! I guess my brain was just too tired HA! Seeing some of these were like, DUH! So, with a little help thanks to research, this is a list of my 10 favorite heroines, …