Happy Friday! It is a new month, and also time for summer graphics! Here are some of my favorites from the last couple of weeks. Always my favorite furbabies!! I’m loving these flowers blooming around the neighborhood! I am loving this top! I bought it because I liked it, but the more I see it …
It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday! |What I’m Eating| grilled burgers, Keto sun-dried tomato basil tortillas, the best Surf & Turf ever! (not all of this at the same time HA!) |What I’m Reminiscing About| summers of my childhood. What I mean by that is, …
This week’s topic is things that make me instantly NOT want to read a book, which is the opposite of last week. That makes it fun! I have a short list because I’m fairly easy to please when reading but these will definitely cause me to take a long pause, and maybe even move on. …
We took yesterday off for Memorial Day but I’m here today with a Memorial Day weekend recap! Friday/Friday Night Nothing exciting except laundry. We just relaxed and got our stuff together for the next day. We did eat steak for supper so that was exciting HA! Saturday So…we headed out to go kayaking (we had …
Happy Memorial Day weekend! Before I get started, I want to take a moment to honor and remember those we’ve lost. That is what Memorial Day is all about after all! Now, back to the post… It’s the last Saturday of the month so it’s time for another “bonus” post. Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness …
I found this linkup a few weeks ago and loved it! Plus, I don’t have enough running-themed posts. I runfess… that I need to be running outside as much as I can because very soon, I will have to be inside a gym on the treadmill because summer in the South is hot and humid. …
It’s time for another Monthly Musing. This time we’re talking about celebrating Memorial Day weekend! 1. How are you spending Memorial Day weekend? On Saturday, my mom and I are planning to go kayaking; Sunday will be a normal Sunday – church, followed by relaxing and spending time at home; and Monday will be spent …
This week’s topic is things that make me instantly want to read a book. I’m a visual person and the things listed below will prove that (see #1 & #2) HA! 1. Cover color I like bright colors mostly, but I am definitely more drawn to yellow, pink, and teal/turquoise. So, if it is one …
It was a relaxing weekend! It was supposed to have been busy but plans changed (due to the weather) so I enjoyed being at home and having a slow weekend, which is not something I have very often. Friday/Friday Night I did nothing, except relax, eat, watch TV (Citadel), and love on fur babies. I …
Happy Friday! Here are some of my favorites of the week. Everything they do is cute! 🙂 The strap with the bag broke before I could even take it out of the house. I love the one I replaced it with so much better! 🙂 It makes me happy every time I pick the bag …