This week’s topic: bookish jobs I would do for free. Now, I would love to get paid, but assuming all of my bills are paid, and I have money to travel and whatever else, I would do these for free. I need to make sure my bills are paid, but let’s pretend money isn’t an …
It was a great weekend! Friday Night Friday night didn’t consist of much besides laundry. However, I did get the medals ready (I had to attach the “plate” to the back of them) for the Kingdom Run that is coming up on November 4 and if you are keeping up, yes, that is 3 days …
On the first Friday of each month, I will chat over coffee about what’s going on with me. So, grab a coffee (iced or hot) and pull up a chair! If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I’d tell you that this is my happy season! I love fall and winter …
A new month!! Let’s see what am I currently up to 🙂 |LOVING| the weather has finally decided to agree with the calendar! The weather is going to be GLORIOUS this weekend! |EXCITED ABOUT| October, fall, Hawaii, November, Thanksgiving, December, Christmas, winter….you get my drift. This is y favorite time of year!! |WATCHING| |SEEING| what …
This week’s topic: reading goals I still want to accomplish before the end of the year. We just started the last quarter of 2023 so I will revisit the goals from January and see where I am on them – have I accomplished any of them? Have I given up on any of them? Which …
It was a nice chill weekend, which was what I needed after 3 community events during the month, and a very very busy October coming up. Friday Night I did nothing…well, except laundry HA! I did order clothes and a few items that I need for Hawaii but that wasn’t stressful. I have been working …
It’s the last Saturday of the month so it’s time for another “bonus” post. Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness has taken over “Share 4 Somethings” and hosts the link-up every last Saturday. What we are here for: Something I Loved, Something I Read, Something I Learned & Something I Ate. |LOVED| all of the birthday …
I found this linkup a few months ago and loved it! Plus, I don’t have enough running-themed posts. So, here are my run/gym confessions for September. I runfess… I have two trail runs, one 25K and one 10K, and a half marathon coming up and I am not properly trained. HA! This ought to be …
It’s time for another Monthly Musing. This time we’re talking about fall and Halloween fun! 1. Favorite fall traditions? I wouldn’t call it a tradition but when fall arrives (or pretty much on September 1), I start thinking about all of the holidays and start planning the new year. Don’t worry – I am still …
It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time to link up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday! |What I’m Eating| these egg bites! We found them recently at our local Sam’s Club and decided to give them a try. We like the different ones from Starbucks but we think these taste even better than that! |What …