It was a pretty good weekend, despite having to put my grandmother’s cat to sleep:/ Friday Night Friday night was spent doing laundry, doing a little cleaning, and then relaxing. Saturday I was determined to run, so I set my alarm and got up early (but not early enough for the cats, apparently) It was …
It’s Friday, the days are longer, and the summer graphics are back! 🙂 😻 Eating outside on the deck! Filet mignon from the local steakhouse 🙂 New books! Late-night supper and VBS prep! Vacation Bible School!! VBS fuel, every night! (the mocha cookie crumble was not mine but the rest was HA!) It’s the truth! …
Today I am going to look at my summer schedule. This will be fun, and interesting because my summer schedule depends on the week, and sometimes the day, and almost always the weather HA! Sundays This doesn’t change much: I will go to church, probably stop and get something to eat, and then go home …
It was a pretty good weekend. It was busy and productive, but still a good one! Friday Night After getting off work and showering, I went to the church to continue helping with Vacation Bible School prep. (We had started on it the night before). It was a late night.I got home around 10, fed …
On the first Friday of each month, I will chat over coffee about what’s happening with me. So, grab a coffee (iced or hot) and pull up a chair! If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would tell you that it has been so long that I have traveled internationally, …
A new month!! Let’s see what I am currently up to 🙂 |LOVING| watching Vera VBS prep buying new books;) |LOOKING FORWARD TO| a trip to London and Scotland! |ENJOYING| Saturday morning coffee with Bible Recap, a book, and a cat (or two or three) |SEEING| what all we can do in London & throughout …
Happy Wednesday, friends! I just found Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup last month, thanks to another blogger (Jennifer) that I follow and link up with at other times. Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics. 1. It’s National Cheese Day (June 4)…does anyone not like cheese? What’s your favorite? Last thing you ate …
It was a pretty good weekend. We’re still adjusting to a huge routine change, but it is working out. Friday Night After work, I finished finalizing our trip details. This stretched out for most of the evening but I got it all done! At some point, I did stop to shower, feed the cats, eat …
I found this linkup last year and loved it…and, I don’t have enough running-themed posts. So, here are my runfessions for May. I runfess… that I haven’t run since May 13, when I ran the second local 10K for the month. I will say that, not running, I have been able to spend more time …
If you notice things are a little different, check out the beginning of this post here for a life update. Things are leveling back out, and I’m adjusting, but “life” has noticeably changed some of May. It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time to link up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday! |What I’m Eating| …