Today I was going to look at my top comforts in life 🙂 Sometimes most of the time life is hectic but, even in the craziness and busyness, some things still bring me comfort, if only for a moment. Blue, Lucy, & Luna If you have furbabies, then you know. Somehow they sense when I …
Today I was going to look at my biggest fears, irrational and not, but 2 Timothy 1:7 shows “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind“. I do have a fear that I fight daily (which makes it a phobia) but I will …
Today I’m going to look at my worst habits. I’m not perfect (I know that may come as a shock HA!) so I definitely have more than 3 bad habits, but for this, I’m only going to list 3. #1 : I pick…my lip, sunburns (the dry skin once it starts peeling), blisters, my fingers …
Today I’m going to look at my new favorite summer find. Okay, so to be honest, this is not new. But, having just needed it the other day, I felt it needed to be talked about. So, stupid me – I made the mistake of going outside in our backyard without covering my entire body …
Today I’m going to look at my morning routine. Parts of each day are the same, but there are quite a few differences. I will share Monday-Friday, then run Saturdays and non-run Saturdays, and then Sunday morning routines. None of it is anything fancy, but this is the routine (with very few pictures): Monday – …
Today I’m going to look at my all-time favorite Amazon finds. I looked through every. single. Amazon purchase we have ever made (and that started back in 2007). Some of these are purchases that my mom made that I have used (we share the account), some are items we both use/have used and the rest …
Today I’m going to look at: how I schedule & organize a busy family…well, my busy life LOL First off, it is just me and my mom, well, and 3 cats….but I also keep up with the church calendar, so this will include all of the above. DIGITAL For all church things, we have a …
Today I’m going to look at: how I host holiday parties. For any great holiday (Christmas) party, there must be food and decorations. However, I don’t host holiday parties, but if I did, these are the ideas I would draw from 🙂 Food For Christmas, I’m more of an hors d’oeuvres person. I like dips, …
Today I’m going to look at this a little differently. I do not shop for my mom. We decided years ago that we won’t buy presents for each other. The majority of the time, we are together and will buy whatever we need or want for ourselves. However, if I was shopping for Christmas gifts …
Today I’m going to look at: how I stay healthy. Eating I try to eat right – not too many carbs, no HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), but I’m not perfect at it. I mean, I don’t binge on Oreos (and, boy do I love them!) or eat Big Macs every week but I do …