Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month. |APPRECIATING| that it is finally fall! I am not a fan of …
It’s a week late now but it’s done… Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month. |ADMIRING| the changing color …
Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month. |APPRECIATING| the ability and opportunity to continue working from home. As an …
Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month. |CHOOSING| what to pack for Alaska in December (yes, I’m an early …
Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month. |COOKING| in the microwave…or not at all. I was sick for about a week and …
Anne, at In Residence, hosts a linkup on the first Wednesday of every month and invites readers to share a few things they’re up to currently. Be sure to head over to Anne’s blog and see what everyone is up to this month. |FEELING| Slightly overwhelmed with everything that is going on right now; Hurt at the hate …
Linking up with Anne for what I am “Currently…” doing. {SHARING} Sunday morning and Wednesday night church livestreams. Being able to still “attend” church during this isolation has been such a blessing and comfort. {WRITING} blog posts and to-do lists{WISHING} people would take this virus serious and #stayhome. I am ready for …
Linking up with Anne for what I am “Currently…” doing {FIXING} ALL the calendars and church data in the “organization program”. Yes, this excites me 😊 organization = happiness{HEARING} birds chirping. Spring is on its way!! {BORROWING} books from the library and Hoopla. {FEELING} …
Linking up with Anne for what I am “Currently…” doing {LOVING} reading! I have not wanted to read for many years (I blame being forced to read things I didn’t want to in school) and last year, I had the desire to read and managed 6 books. This year, the desire is even …
WHOA! IT’S A NEW YEAR ALREADY?!?! Linking up with Anne for what I am “Currently…” doing=) {RESOLVING} (I call them goals instead of resolutions) -to eat better -run more -read more (both Bible and books) -pray more -love greater! {READING} Confessions of an Unlikely Runner by Dana Ayers …