Since Thursday is Thanksgiving, we have our links on Tuesday this week. I found these interesting. Maybe you will too!
I found these interesting. Maybe you will too! I’m sure everyone’s Q4 is as crazy busy as mine (e, work & holidays). Here’s how to handle the madness without losing it. Along the same “it’s a crazy busy season”, check out these expert-backed productivity tips to help you get things done. If you need your …
I found these interesting. Maybe you will too! According to this, I need a movie night in. I don’t have a problem with that, especially since Hocus Pocus 2 comes out this weekend! If you like to learn new (eh, old) words…10 Old-Timey Terms for ‘Treat’ to Try Out This Halloween. I need to add …
Well, what do ya know? Here we are on a Thursday again. I found these interesting. Maybe you will too! Ever think you’ve been sitting at the TV too long? Yeah, me too! Maybe we should try some (or all) of these suggestions to stop bingeing on TV. Where has this been?! Apparently “hidden“. Amazon …
I’m trying something new. Maybe I’ll like it and keep it up. If not, I’ll try something different. I know I want to be where I blog more so this is one of those attempts. I do hope I like it and it sticks. These may not be consistently on Thursdays but this time, it …