This week’s topic is “books I recommend the most to others”. Some have appeared on TTT lists but some are way back in my reading past, before TTT and even before I started blogging.

1. The Last Thing He Told Me
I actually just recently suggested this book to a friend and she loved it as well.
2. The Moose Springs, AK series (The Tourist Attraction/Mistletoe & Mr. Right/Enjoy the View)
I read these around the time I went to Alaska. I felt like I was there all over again while reading them. Even if someone hasn’t been to Alaska, but is looking for something very well written and light, and with romance and adventure, these are the ones I will recommend.
3. Becoming Free Indeed
Whether someone is struggling with disentangling faith from fear, or just enjoyed watching The Duggars, this book is a good recommendation. It helps readers see that sometimes what someone believes and tries to live may seem strange and that it isn’t necessarily right, but maybe they don’t know otherwise and are just trying to live how they think they need to.
4. Twilight
Want a little fantasy and romance? Yeah, Twilight is it. I mean, vampires and werewolves aren’t real… or are they? 😉
5. Where the Crawdads Sing
What I liked most about this book was that it has some mystery but also shows that sometimes people are different, but that it is ok. It is so well written that I felt like I was in the book, watching the story unfold.
6. all Jane Harper books
The Aaron Falk series (The Dry/Force of Nature/Exiles) can be read alone or in order. Reading out of order, or alone, doesn’t affect the storyline in any way. They make mention briefly of something that was in the previous book but it does not make a difference in the “current” story. The Lost Man and The Survivors are stand-alone books but are equally as great as the Aaron Falk series. These books are also so well-written that it is easy to feel that you are there in each setting and interacting with the characters.
7. Home / Home Work
If Mary Poppins is one of your favorite movies, like it is mine, read these two books. They take you through the life of Julie Andrews, as told by Julie Andrews herself.
These next three are good for runners, but the advice in them could also be applied to other areas in life.
8. Not Your Average Runner
No one is too fat to run. Anyone can become a runner. Jill delivers encouragement with humor, compassion, and love. This isn’t a guide to losing weight but a guide to learning to run in the body you have.
9. Confessions of an Unlikely Runner
This book has encouragement on starting a running career but also insights on continuing to love running. We see Dana’s struggles in a humorous way. She is a self-proclaimed slow runner but has also completed many endurance challenges.
10. Nowhere Near First
Cory Reese takes us inside his personal account of his running career, from the “back of the pack”. His life was not without struggles (*trigger warning, at the beginning of the book*) but he shows us how he lives life to the fullest, but taking us on his journey. We see the struggles and challenges, but also the rewards of running. Cory shows how to turn tragedy into triumph. He writes with humor and honesty. The story is uplifting and inspiring.
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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I’ve heard good things about Where the Crawdads Sing.
My post:
It is really good!
I love Jane Harper’s books! The Lost Man is my favorite but they are all good. I haven’t read the others on your list. Thanks for the recommendations.
I honestly didn’t get into “The Lost Man” as much as the others but it was still really good. It was probably just me, for whatever reason. It was well-written just like the others.
I love Jane Harper! I’ve read all of them and I think EXILES is my favorite. It’s hard to choose since they’re all so atmospheric and well-written. BECOMING FREE INDEED sounds like an interesting read. I’m part of a religion that is vastly misunderstood and I probably misunderstand a lot of others’, too, so this seems like an enlightening read.
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
I agree about all of Jane Harper’s books! It is hard to pick a favorite!
Definitely check out “Becoming Free Indeed” 🙂