This week’s topic: bookish superpowers I wish I had! I’ll be honest – it took me a little bit to get the thoughts going, but once they did, it didn’t take long to come up with a list of ten.

1. See/know if I will like a book before reading it
That would make the number of DNFs go down!
2. Meet ALL of my favorite authors
Not having to worry about time constraints and money to travel means I could meet them all!
3. Change the storyline or ending of a book, if I didn’t like it
So many times, I’ve spent time reading just to be disappointed at the end.
4. Have the characters that I wanted together
Ever wanted a character to get with someone else, and not the one that the author put them with?
5. Travel to the locations of all of my favorite books!
I love to travel so being able to ACTUALLY travel to all of the locations in the books I read would be EPIC!
6. Read faster
Reading faster would mean more time to read more books.
7. Unlimited funds to buy ALL of the books I want
There would be no hesitation when “adding to cart”.
8. Visit every bookstore and library in the world that I want
the smell of books…yeah! You know! I’ve seen so many beautiful libraries and unique bookstores. I want to see them all.
9. Finish book reviews as soon as I finish the book
If I could make that happen, I wouldn’t forget my thoughts on them.
10. Know whether a cat, or any pet, will die before reading the book, and being able to change that part of the story
I don’t like when pets die so that would never happen if I could help it!
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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These are great super powers!! It would be awesome to have unlimited to funds to travel and visit the different bookstores and libraries.
Reading faster has been a super popular pick this week!
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.