This week’s topic: bookish jobs I would do for free. Now, I would love to get paid, but assuming all of my bills are paid, and I have money to travel and whatever else, I would do these for free. I need to make sure my bills are paid, but let’s pretend money isn’t an issue 🙂 I would totally do these jobs for free!

1. Librarian
I love books and the smell when I walk into our local library. I would love to be around the books and the book smells all day!
2. Bookstore owner
What book lover doesn’t want to own a bookstore? 🙂
3. Book stocker/organizer
Two things I love – books and organizing. This would make me so happy!
4. PA to an author
Helping keep an author organized (appointments, etc.) would be fun but only if said author wasn’t a jerk. We’ve all seen the movies LOL
5. Book editor (travel-related, National Geographic, along those lines)
It would be fun to make sure books about things I am interested in are PERFECT.
6. Bookstore researcher/photographer
This would mean going to bookstores worldwide…count me in!!
7. Book proofreader
It drives me crazy to see errors in books (I know people aren’t perfect, and with so many words, some are bound to be missed) but if I could be a part of making sure those errors did not happen, that would be nice.
8. Book event planner
Planning anything to do with books would be awesome!
9. Library designer
OH!! To design a library (personal or otherwise) would be absolutely … beyond words!
10. Bookish merchandise designer
I love books and reading, and if something is cute and shows that love, I’m all for it.
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

**At SunnySide, we utilize affiliate links which may result in a commission on certain websites.
Being a book event planner was on my list, too!
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
I think it would be so fun!
I work in a library ordering and receiving all material, along with some monthly accounting for said purchases. Opening the boxes and pulling out all the books is pretty wonderful : )
I bet!!