Bookish Goals 2025

Our topic for this week is our bookish goals for 2025. I do think these are achievable πŸ™‚

1. Read two books a month.

I feel like this is a lofty goal for me because I struggle to get one sometimes, but I am going to try harder this year.

2. Complete book reviews as soon as I finish a book.

I had this as a goal last year, but I didn’t do good at it. Life happened…but hopefully, 2025 will be the year!

3. Get my NetGalley rating up to 80% or higher.

Mine is low. I don’t know how it works, but I’m going to figure it out, and hopefully get that number up.

4. Read at least one book in the fantasy genre.

I’m not intrigued at all when I read the description of fantasy books, but there have been so many that a lot of people love, so I’m going to try to get it a go this year.

5. Read more backlist books.

I have too many books (is that possible?) so I need to read older books on my shelves, either before newer books, or at least at the same time.

6. Don’t be afraid to DNF a book or books.

When I quit a book, it feels like I have failed, and I don’t like that. But I need to remind myself, that if I continue reading something that I don’t like, I am wasting time that could be spent on a book that I enjoy.

7. Keep my reading journal updated.

I write in it, but I struggle to record my thoughts, ratings, etc. as soon as I finish a book.

8. Check out more books from the library.

I love going to the library. I don’t know why I don’t go more.

9. Join/participate in a book club.

I think I feel I don’t have time to go somewhere and participate, but I do want to do better.

10. Get and keep my StoryGraph up to date.

I’ll be honest…I forget that I have it. But I know it is an excellent way to keep up with what I’ve read, what I am reading, and what I want to read, and then show me stats at the end of the year. It is a no-brainer for someone who loves to be organized, but I forget about it. 2025 is the year HAHA!

*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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