This week’s topic: bookish goals for 2024. Some are almost the same as last year because I didn’t do great with them. But I am still trying to improve every day so they are still my goals for 2024 as well.

1. Read more than I did last year.
I only read 11 books last year 🙁 but I hope I can get at least 20 read this year. I’m currently reading 2 so if I can do that every month, I will more than meet my goal.
2. Write book reviews as soon as I finish a book.
I tried doing this last year, but it started slipping, and I never got it together. I’m hoping to do much better this year!
3. Read through the books I already own.
Well, all I can say is, like it was last year, it is a work in progress HA!
4. “Weed” my bookshelf.
I have books that I bought or received that I no longer have an interest in. I need to get rid of those books. That just makes room for more books, right?
5. Don’t focus on just “new” books.
For me, it’s hard not to get the new books when there is so much hype about them, but I have so many already, that I need to learn not to get caught up in the hype. I can get those “new” books later, after I get some of the other books read (I know, easier said than done…but I’ll try!)
6. Don’t be afraid to DNF.
This is a work in progress. I did have a book that I DNF’d last year, and I wasn’t even upset about it.
7. Use StoryGraph more to keep track of reading.
I started out doing pretty well in 2023 but then I unintentionally let it drop off. I want to do even better this year.
8. Improve my NetGalley rating.
This shouldn’t be hard. I don’t have a rating. I’m trying but I can’t seem to make it happen. But, I’ll keep on!
9. Check out more books from the library.
I just love going to the library 🙂
10. Listen to audiobooks.
I have not ever cared anything about listening to an audiobook. I don’t know why exactly unless maybe it is because I don’t think I will get as much out of it as I would if I read. But I have been doing the Bible Recap and sometimes, I will have my scriptures read to me…and I enjoyed it. That got me thinking that, maybe, I would like an audiobook. So, this year, I will try it out!
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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These are all great goals. Good luck with them.
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
Thank you!