This week’s topic: unread books on my shelves I want to read soon. Some I’ve had for a good long while. 1. Uninvited – Lysa Terkeurst 2. The Magnolia Story – Chip & Joanna Gaines 3. Happy Accidents – Jane Lynch 4. The Chemist – Stephenie Meyer 5. Change Your Brain, Change Your Life – …
It was a busy weekend! Friday Night Friday night was just relaxing. Seriously. I intended on doing laundry but I didn’t even go in the laundry room. I wasn’t even upset about it either LOL Saturday Saturday morning, I was up at 5:15. I fed the cats, went to my grandmother’s to do a few …
It’s Friday, Spring is here, and the days are getting longer! 🙂 You already know 🙂 these sweet babies are always my favorites! more new flowers…. ….and mulch makes the hostas pop (we aren’t finished with this bed yet). the coral bark Japanese maples are looking good! coffee & loaded tea on a busy Sunday! …
Happy Wednesday, friends! I just found this linkup, thanks to another blogger (Jennifer) that I follow and link up with at other times. I wanted something to finish filling up the week, and since I didn’t have anything else today, I decided to join in. So, today I’m linking in with Joyce’s Wednesday hodgepodge. Here are this …
This week’s topic was characters I’d like to go on vacation with. However, I couldn’t come up with enough characters so I decided to list books set in, or at least mention places I have been, or plan to go to someday. (and because I couldn’t choose, there are two bonuses) 1. Names for the …
It was a busy weekend! Friday Night Remember the ten bags of mulch we bought last weekend? Well, we put out 8 of those bags this past Friday afternoon. The bed isn’t finished yet but it is a nice start! After that, we went to my gramdmother’s house to do a few things for her, …
It’s Friday, Spring is here, and the days are getting longer! 🙂 Always my favorites! 🙂 Sunny Spring days! 97-98% totality here. I had the privilege of seeing the 2017 total eclipse in totality. My mom and I traveled to Kentucky to see it. It was an amazing experience. This year’s was still amazing even …
Today I am going to look at my daily quiet/prayer time. It is nothing elaborate and differs depending on the day. But I still try to get in quiet/prayer time every day, even for just a few minutes. Weekdays During the week, if I am going into the office, my quiet time usually starts during …
This week’s topic was a freebie. I decided to find books with my name either in the title, as a character, or as an author. 1. What Happened to Rachel Riley? – Claire Swinarski 2. The Reappearance of Rachel Price – Holly Jackson 3. The Books of Rachel – Joel Gross 4. Rachel’s Holiday – …
It was a busy weekend! Friday Night Nothing out of the ordinary. Just a typical Friday night – laundry, supper, bedtime. Exciting, right? Saturday Saturday morning was a local 5K. So, I fed the cats, got dressed, and headed downtown to run with about 200 other runners/walkers. It was a little chilly at times when …