It’s time to look at the book I read in April!

Louise Hathcock: Queen of the State Line Mob by Robert D. Broughton
I read this because it is part of the history of the area where I live. While it was not
the good part of history, it is still history and it is rather interesting to know what
happened. It was very well written. The way the people were described, the
buildings, the events…I felt like I was watching everything unfold. The book starts
by telling where and how Louise Hathcock “came to be”, her upbringing and how
she became “queen of the state line mob”. Without giving too much away, the
state line mob is eventually brought down. You’ll just have to read the book to
know how:) honestly, there were times I was rooting for her, even though she was
not always a good person, but then other times, I wanted to cry for her.

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