It is now a little over a year almost a year and a half since we went to Alaska but I am just now getting my thoughts and pictures organized into a blog post.
A trip to Alaska was on both my mom and my bucket lists, but we figured it would be a “later on” kind of trip. We wanted to hit up foreign countries first, but then came 2020, and we could barely go places within the US…but we wanted to go somewhere! So, when we began planning a trip to somewhere, we knew Alaska was open (or was opening back up at the time) so that meant it was time for a bucket list trip to Alaska!
To keep this from being too lengthy, I am splitting it into 2 parts: Part 1 (which include days 1-6) and Part 2 (days 7-13).
Day 1: Travel Day! (Dec. 4)
layover in DFW; Layover in Seattle; arrival in Fairbanks!
This was 2020 so, while Alaska was open, we still had to have a negative Covid test. We got tested before we left but apparently it was the wrong test so we had to get tested upon arrival in the Fairbanks airport. The process was fairly painless (other than the swab up the nose) and we were on our way to the hotel. We had originally planned to do a Denali/Alaska Railroad tour but by the time we got to our hotel, it was about 2 in the morning. We would have had to get up around 6 to get to the tour place (we knew we would be pushing it when we booked it but knew we could push through). Even though we knew we would not have positive test results (remember, we had been tested before we left), we were thankful we were able to change it and move our reservation (more on that tour later). We were exhausted!

Day 2: Rest & Groceries (Dec. 5)
We caught up on sleep and then walked to Fred Meyer to get groceries (our hotel room had a living room and kitchen). Other than this, there wasn’t much activity. We did spend quite a bit of time looking at the beauty that is snowy Fairbanks in December 🙂 Fred Meyer has a Starbucks inside so, of course, we came “home” with Starbucks. For supper, we ordered room service from Zach’s, in the hotel. I ordered the Alaska Fish & Chips. It. was. DELICIOUS!!

Let me just talk about our hotel room for a minute. I loved that it had a full kitchen. We were able to fix our breakfast in our room and, on the days when we were not out at lunch time, we could prepare that too. I don’t remember not eating supper out (or from room service) every day but if we didn’t one day, it was nice to have the kitchen for supper too! It had a balcony too, which was great, even in -12 degree temperatures:) Why I didn’t take picture of the hotel “suite”, I don’t know, but this is the link for the hotel and what the rooms are like.
Day 3: Exploring, eating, & shopping (Dec. 6)
On this day, we did some walking/exploring (nothing in particular) and finished with dinner at Brewster’s. The halibut tacos were DELICIOUS!! (Everything I ate in AK was great!)

Day 4: Exploring (Dec. 7)
Walked to BigRay’s (supply/clothing store), then we walked to/hiked through Chena River State Recreation Area. There was no camping when we were there (it was under a deep cover of snow) but it is a camping area in the summer. On the way back to Fred Meyer and the hotel, we stopped at Brewster’s to eat lunch. This time, I got the fried halibut. Again, delicious! We then stopped at Fred Meyers for a few items, including Scrabble and cheesecake, and went back to the hotel. Dinner was ordered from Zach’s, and I had a reuben…tasty!

Day 5: Running Reindeer Ranch (Dec. 8)

This had to be one of my most favorite days EVER!! We went to Running Reindeer Ranch and did the reindeer walk. We learned all about reindeer, and then went on a walk with them. I was in love!

I am part reindeer 🙂 Fun fact: there is a tendon in a reindeer’s leg that makes a “clicking” sound when they walk, hence the phrase “up on the housetop, click, click, click…” (my ankles pop sometimes when I walk, and it sounds like the clicking, so that’s why I’m convinced that I am part reindeer HA!)
Fun fact #2: Reindeer do not run into trees, no matter how fast they are running, so if they are running toward you, stand still. “Be a tree.”
Once we returned back to the room, we ordered supper from Zach’s. This time, I ordered a sirloin burger. You guessed it…delicious!
Day 6: Relax & Rest (Dec. 9)
Nothing much to report here other than enjoying the day inside, watching TV and playing Scrabble and Rummy…and sometimes those days are almost as good as the active ones! We did get the Uber scheduled for the next day and well, looky here! actually cooked food in the kitchen for supper.
…and there you have the first half of our trip to Fairbanks, Alaska. Be looking for the second half! There is more fun to be had!