Happy Wednesday, friends! It is the first day of 2025!! A new start, a clean slate! Let’s do this!! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics.

1. Oxford’s Word of the Year for 2024 is ‘brain rot’. Are you familiar with this term? Do you suffer from the condition? Ha! This is a term used to ‘capture concerns about the impact of consuming excessive amounts of low-quality online content, especially on social media’. If you were choosing a word to capture 2024 (for the nation/world, not your own life personally) what word would you choose?
I am not familiar with “brain rot” but I do seem to suffer from it sometimes. Social media is a good thing in some ways, but constantly looking at it is a problem.
If I were choosing a word that captures the nation/world for 2024, I would probably go with tension. I’m sure there were so many other words that could have applied to 2024 but sadly, tension is the first word that popped into my head. There seemed to be so much tension among nations, religions, leaders, families, neighborhoods, ethnic groups, etc. It made me sad.
2. It’s National Polar Bear Plunge Day (January 1)…will you be participating in one of these events (or even your own)? How will you spend the first day of this brand-new year? Do you have a traditional New Year’s Day menu?
I do not live near water so no, I will not be participating. Given the opportunity, it is a possibility that I would participate. I wouldn’t say that I would never do it.
I will be spending the first part of my first day of 2025 participating in our local Resolution Run. The local group of runners gather on the morning of January 1, take a group picture, run (or walk), and then gather back at 9:30 to have breakfast together. It is great fun and the perfect way to start the new year!
3. What’s something that brings you joy and how will you do more of it in this new year?
Reading, traveling, and being at home all bring me joy. I hope to do more of all of it. However, traveling will depend on funds. I do hope to make that happen more though.
4. Do you struggle with the January blues? What’s one thing you can/will do to keep them at bay?
I do not struggle with the January blues. I like the cold weather, and the shorter days do not bother me (though I don’t like being out at night, because…I just don’t HA!), but I’m good in January 🙂
5. Will you choose your own personal word of the year for 2025? What about a goal, resolution, or maybe even a bucket list? Elaborate as much or as little as you like.
I will choose a word for 2025. I have an idea or two on what that word will be, but haven’t, for sure, decided on which word. I do make goals for the year. I have a running list in my head right now, but those will soon be on paper, and maybe here 🙂
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I was filling out my planner for January and it is already full. So, I guess, let’s do this! LOL Hang on!

My calendar is also quite full and I normally enjoy a quiet January. It feels like I need it after the last few months of the year, but I guess we’ll just go with a busier than normal month and I’m sure it will be fun too. We don’t have any big trips booked this year, but are trying to do a beach trip with all the grands and finding the right house is time consuming. Happy new year!