I Want to Talk About Me…

I “borrowed” this blog idea from another blogger….I thought it would be fun:)

What Were You Doing 10 Years Ago? I was just starting my Senior Year at Corinth High School

Favorite Snacks: hmm…this might be a long list…:) I don’t eat these all the time….but they are my favorites: Little Debbies Oatmeal Creme Pies, Chips and Salsa, Chips and French Onion dip, Chips and Queso, peanuts, Triscuit Cracked Pepper & Olive Oil crackers, Triscuit Quattro Formaggio (Four Cheese) crackers….and I’m sure there are more….

To Do List: Most of the time I keep mental “to do” lists..they only become “real” to-do lists when the list is so long that it clogs my mind, causing some items to “fall” off the list…hehe

My current mental “to do” lists has: (1) study for English Praxis, (2) sign up for English Praxis, (3) pass English Praxis….among other items on the list…these three are the most important at the moment

Jobs I Have Had: I don’t know if you could consider this a job but I worked for two summers in my aunt’s dry cleaners…and I loved every minute of it :)….then Sonic for two years…then Goody’s for two years before going to Ole Miss, two years off and on (when I was home and able to work..not studying), then one year after graduating college…so 5 years total…..THEN! I taught 9-12th grade Math classes for one year and 7th and 8th grade Math classes the next year at the Alternative School in Tupelo.

Places I Have Lived (including College): Burnsville (population of around 900), Corinth (quite a bit larger than Burnsville), Oxford (for three years while I was in college at Ole Miss…and I have no idea the population…hehe)

Random Things People May Not Know:
*I am at least 1/8 German…my paternal great-grandfather came to America from Germany
*I have taken 3 years of Spanish in High School, 3 semesters of Spanish and 4 semesters of Russian in college…if
   I had more practice with both, I could probably remember the languages fairly easily…I made straight
   A’s in both
*My middle name is spelled ELISABETH, not ELIZABETH
*I love listening to “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” and “Car Talk” on NPR
*I have a cat named Isabella Kaye, but I call her Izzie
*I use to have a cat named Mia Calleigh:(
*I once had a Jack Russell terrier named Jack

CDs I Would Want if Stranded on an Island: anything by Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban, and Il Divo; anything Audio Adrenaline and TobyMac; any and all Trans Siberian Orchestra; Skillet, etc.

What I Would Do if I Were a Billionaire: I would first pay our church building/gym off and help finance the building of a new sanctuary. I would pay my college loan off! I would buy myself a new vehicle…my poor car is slowly falling apart…but it still runs…lol:) I would pay my mom’s house off and buy her a new vehicle (if she wanted one). I would buy my grandmother a new vehicle. I would buy myself a house and then buy a huge house ON THE BEACH that family and friends could vacation in. I would start a place where ALL children could learn, despite any disability (ADHD, Autism, etc.) I would buy an apartment in NYC (and I don’t mean a small apartment..) I would travel and travel and travel, bringing friends and family along on those trips.

Try filling out a “ME survey”….I think it was kinda fun=)