Share Our Lives: An Average Day in Life

It is the second Monday of the month, so it is time to share our lives. This month, the prompt is an average day in life.

Honestly, most of my days are average. They are so average that I don’t even have pictures of them. The routine is the same, whether I work in-office, or from home. The times are just a little bit different. But, this is how the average Monday goes, for an in-office day:

4:00am: Wake up time! I usually have to sit for a little bit to “get my life together.” This is also the time I sit and read my “Bible Recap” daily scriptures for the day.

4:15-4:20am: I get up, and head to the kitchen to feed the cats and make my coffee. I get my breakfast and lunch together, and then fix my hair and get dressed.

5:15-ish: This is the time I leave for work.

6:00am-2:30pm: WORK

3:00pm: Home to feed the cats and change into gym/running clothes.

3:30pm: Head outside (or the gym if the weather isn’t good) for a walk.

4:15-ish: Back home and ready for a shower. If I have been out for a walk, this is also the time that I clean the litter boxes. (If not, it gets done as soon as the cats are fed.)

5:30-ish: Time to eat supper and watch something on TV.

Between 7:30-8:30pm: Bedtime! Sometimes I read before laying down, and then sometimes I lay down and go right to sleep.

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