I recently found this linkup and I wanted to join in with Marsha in the Middle. Every month has a different prompt but let’s get into March’s:

#1 I don’t eat chicken on the bone.
I can’t explain it. It’s not the chicken; I can eat it in strip form or as a boneless breast. But if it is on the bone, I will not eat it.
#2 I hate left turns and will avoid them if at all possible.
I do know where this came from. I have had two wrecks in the time that I’ve been driving, and they were both while making a left turn. One was my fault (I was an inexperienced driver, though the person that hit me was doing 60 in a 35) but the other was where a lady pulled straight into my driver’s side while I was turning, from the turning lane.
#3 The TV volume needs to be on an even number.
There is no explanation. It just needs to be an even number LOL.
#4 I get annoyed when I go to use the microwave and the last person doesn’t clear the time.
I feel like it is the same as leaving a mess. Clean the mess up.
#5 When the traffic light is green, go! Don’t keep sitting there. Pay attention.
I usually wait a long time to honk the horn, or I don’t at all (because some people would rather shoot you than drive correctly). Also, I know car trouble happens sometimes. I don’t have an issue with that. You know the ones, where you can see that they are not even looking up at the traffic light.
#6 I have to go to my gate at the airport before getting food or drink or using the bathroom.
I know it’s not going to move. They don’t move LOL. But I do it, and so do my friends (so, maybe it’s not irrational…).
#7 I need to plan ahead.
If I can’t, or don’t, I feel all out of sorts.
#8 I like math.
There’s no explanation. I just do 🙂
#9 I can’t stand for my hands to be sticky or dirty.
If I’m doing something, and my hands are dirty, my brain stops for a minute. I have to wash them.
#10 I have to check under the hotel beds before we leave.
It may or may not be rational but I can’t leave unless I check them. What if something fell and got knocked under there? Now, the beds that are on solid bases, really help me out. I still check that nothing is on the floor, but I don’t have to check as much because I know nothing can get under the bed.

Rachel, I sooooo identify with you on 3, 4, and 5. This prompt was perfect, I feel less alone in my quirkiness. LOL Having that volume on an even number though — yeah, I cannot stop on like 7 or 9.
Wait! Are we long lost twins? I could say the same about every single one of these except for the airport one because I usually really have to go to the restroom! But, yes to every other one…I even have to have the temperature in my car set to an even number as well as the volume on the radio and tv! It’s so good to know there’s someone else like me in the world! Number 9…yessssss!!!
Thanks so much for playing along and linking up! I hope you’ll join me next month, too!